(b) Subject to Subsection (c), the coverage required under Subsection (a) is required if the treating physician has issued a written order stating that the amino acid‑based elemental formula is medically necessary for the treatment of an enrollee who is diagnosed with a disease or disorder listed in Subsection (a). (4) impaired absorption of nutrients caused by disorders affecting the absorptive surface, functional length, and motility of the gastrointestinal tract. (3) eosinophilic disorders, as evidenced by the results of a biopsy and (2) severe food protein‑induced enterocolitis syndrome (1) immunoglobulin E and non‑immunoglobulin E mediated allergies to multiple food proteins

(b) Orders and supervises the use of the elemental formula. (a) Diagnoses a patient with an eosinophilic gastrointestinal associated disorder and

(1) Each health benefit plan offered to public employees and their covered dependents under this chapter that is not subject to chapter 48.43 RCW and that is issued or renewed after December 31, 2015, must offer benefits or coverage for medically necessary elemental formula, regardless of delivery method, when a licensed physician or other health care provider with prescriptive authority: