Prism is a highly sought after hack for Pokémon Crystal that takes place in the region of Naljo. However, perhaps the biggest selling point for Blazed Glazed is that you can catch all Pokémon without any trading at all! Blazed Glazed is often cited as one of the best Pokemon rom hacks due to its well-written story and challenging gameplay. Mega Evolutions are a huge part of the game, which really adds to the experience. Pokémon Emerald fans should definitely check out Blazed Glazed as the number 1 Rom hack. If you’re out for something new instead of using any of the Pokémon LeafGreen cheats, this one might just be for you. It’s certainly one for those fans of detailed world-building as well as an exciting storyline. The game features a completely new story, new characters, and new Pokémon, as well as a number of quality-of-life improvements such as reusable TMs and the ability to run indoors. You’ll need to battle your way through your favorite regions including Kanto and Johto to save Orbetus. Pokémon Gaia has got to be one of the most exciting and complex hacks for Pokemon FireRed. Given how prominent the Gameboy was for the Pokémon franchise, there are plenty of good Pokémon GBA ROM hacks. Here are a few examples of the best Pokémon ROM hacks. Whatever you’re looking for, the odds are good that something like it is out there. There are easily accessible but slightly different versions of Pokémon Blue or Emerald as well as totally unique versions of the games that haven’t been considered. Pokémon ROM hacks are altered or totally edited versions of the games, which can lead to infinite possibilities. It’s tough to find ways to play Red, X, Soul Silver and other older games. Pokémon Red released in 1996, so the games date very far back. However, these games have now spanned over 25 years. The Pokémon Company also recently delved even further with the release of Pokémon Legends Arceus. There have been nine mainline releases, which are often released as two or three different versions, and plenty of remakes.

With the release of the ninth generation of Pokémon games, like Pokémon Scarlet and Violet, there are quite a few stellar titles available.