Bear in mind though that there is a slight delay between clicking and activating the respective Claw Arm on the suit, so a player may accidentally punch a creature they are trying to collect or miss a falling item.

Any items picked up with the default Claw Arm or drilled with the Drill Arm are automatically placed in the Prawn Suit's inventory if there is room. The vehicle comes equipped with a 24-slot inventory space, accessed from outside in the rear. The Power Cells can also be swapped out and charged in a Power Cell Charger. However, docking the Prawn Suit onto the Seatruck Docking Module does not recharge it. It can be docked in the Moonpool to recharge. The Prawn Suit requires energy from at least one of its two Power Cells to operate.

The Prawn Suit has a health meter, and reaching zero will cause the vehicle to malfunction catastrophically and explode. If power is depleted, the oxygen will run out slowly until the point where the player is losing oxygen within the Prawn Suit itself. Unless the power supply is depleted, the player's Oxygen tank will be replenished upon entering. The Prawn Suit can be used to explore deep areas.