Join us as we explore everything "JFK" doesn't tell you about the true story. Stone's film was an impressive feat of filmmaking, regardless of its questionable veracity. Washington communications consultant and film advisor Michael Feldman told The Washington Post, "We have a whole fact-versus-fiction practice now because of" the film. This approach visually muddles the difference between a documentary and a movie, luring audiences into the conspiracy theories Stone's film spun. Stone's film is a dizzying collection of images and theories - some drawn from historical sources, while others were created specifically for this film.

Stone's film played into these suspicions, drawing big numbers at the box office, despite the rancor it inspired in journalists, critics, and officials who thought the film undermined the official story by muddling fact with fiction. population believed there was more than one man involved in the assassination. According to a Gallup poll taken the week that Kennedy was killed, over half of the U.S. Oswald's murder by Jack Ruby soon after his arrest only intensified public speculation. Kennedy's assassination has long been a subject of speculation amongst the American public.